Monthly Archives: November 2017

Winter heating bills may climb slightly with colder weather

We’ve released our winter heating bill estimate for the 2017-18 heating season.

Heating bills are made up of two components:

  • The price of the heating fuel (in this case, natural gas)
  • The amount of the fuel used (driven by how cold the winter is)

Last year’s winter weather was warmer than normal in our region. Customers needed less energy to stay warm and had lower heating bills than normal.

For the 2017-18 heating season, we expect prices to remain at last year’s levels, while weather may be colder and usage may be higher.

furnace works harder

If we experience normal winter weather and the price of natural gas remains where it is today on the spot market, it is estimated that our average residential customer could pay $423 in winter heating costs — 8 percent ($32) more than last winter.

Customers generally use more natural gas for heating if the weather is colder.

We expect the price for natural gas this winter to hold steady at levels similar to last year, based on natural gas already purchased and the current spot market price. The cost of the natural gas is listed on the customer bill – without any markup.

The heating season for this estimate is November through March.

More than 7,500 households got help staying warm last heating season

During the last heating season, more than 7,500 Wisconsin and Iowa households received help with their energy costs thanks to shareowners, customers, employees and retirees of Alliant Energy.Warm Home

Our shareowners are again contributing $2 million to the Hometown Care Energy Fund, which helps income-eligible customers across our service area with heating costs.

During the last heating season, Alliant Energy employees, retirees and customers contributed an additional $210,000.

Cold Midwest winters place an additional burden on limited-income families.

“Our company has a history of partnering with our communities,” said Patricia Kampling, Alliant Energy’s Chairman, President and CEO. “Together, the generosity of customers, our employees and retirees enables Hometown Care to help ensure all of our friends and neighbors have warm homes.”

Funds are distributed to customers by community action agencies in Iowa and by Energy Services Inc.’s Keep Wisconsin Warm/Cool Fund in Wisconsin.

Income-eligible Alliant Energy customers can apply for funding as follows:

Alliant Energy’s contribution comes from shareowners and is not paid by our customers.